Who I am, what I do, and other random facts.

I am inspired to help customers empower their employees and do great work using the devices and apps they love.

My name is Jesper Nielsen, I have a long background as a Solution- and Principal Architect, I am a self-proclaimed Technology Provocateur, a former, 9 year in a row, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional ( Microsoft MVP  ). I have been working hands-on with small- and large-scale IT-Infrastructure in many different industries.

In my role as a Cloud Endpoint Technical Specialist (CETS) at Microsoft, I focusing on helping enterprise customers modernize their endpoints and embrace a Zero Trust security model. I bring a wide range of experience in enterprise level End User computing solutions.

Although my primary focus has always been Windows Management and End User Experience, I have a strong passion for areas around Endpoint Security, Endpoint Baselining and Endpoint Management and everything within the reach of End User Devices.

It is my job to visualize Microsoft technologies to IT Professionals, organizations, and corporations, embracing the philosophy behind Modern Work and Security. Assisting to apply User Centric strategies, helping define goals to transform and move organizations and corporations towards Microsoft 365 fueled Modern Workplace, Modern Security and Modern Management.

My career began long before this, and it developed from somewhere between my teens and mid-twenties. I have been a gymnastics instructor, and a coach from a very young age, even though I didn’t realize it. I vividly remember my first time being “the go to guy” in technical college, and the warm feeling when helping others to reach their goal, the energy it gave me, something I have done since my childhood, heck my whole life. I have some wonderful memories from my time as a gymnastic instructor and I have seen many of these kids, now adults and they still think I had a lasting impact - which makes me very proud.

My first computer was a Lamda 8300  with a sticky green rubber keyboard, no storage and less memory than you will find in a child’s watch today. I can’t say it started there though, but it lit a spark and many years later, in college, I meet Windows 3.0, WordPerfect and AutoCAD, my path had a direction. My career including installing Windows 3.11 from floppy disks, optimizing and configuring autoexec.bat to writing automation for AutoCAD using AutoLISP  – which I believe is still a thing.

Later, I became a consultant as a profession and applied the skills I had gained to work in IT for over half my life, and I still feel a great pride in being the “go-to guy”, being an inspiration and a role model. Working with people, helping them achieve their goals and succeed is still and even bigger part of what I love the most and in the recent years I have had the great pride and responsibility of being a mentor, which I find very rewarding.

Who I am, and what I do

My career began just before Windows 3.11 was a thing, and I have been working with Windows ever since - opposite to many, who in the early days was primarily working with backend and servers, I have been focusing on the user experience all the way, talking to users, helped making their day to day life easier - you can say, help them achieve more - and back in the days, automation was application packaging and some “fancy” and very long bat files, it was awesome, and I will argue many of the techniques used is very similar to what we do these days.

Jesper Nielsen | 2024
Jesper Nielsen | 2024

With a long background in supporting Windows technologies, I have been fortunate enough to design and implement several generations of Windows, always happy to share my knowledge and experience around this subject and the related technologies related to optimize the user experience and help users to achieve more.

I have facilitating numerous seminars and events and have made several speaker appearances over the years. With a passionate style of delivery, combined with, an often dry, sense of humour, I have been fortunate enough to become an recognized speaker – read more about my speaking experience .

Community rocks

I am active in the community, and often found at user group events as speaker and attendee. I am founding member of Windows Management User Group Denmark , commonly known as ‘WMUGdk’ and I am part of the team running Workplace Ninjas User group Denmark  .

I have been involved in numerous community meetings, community events and conferences and I am always willing to participate as a speaker, participant, or supporter because #communityrocks.

The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members. –Coretta Scott King

Engaging actively in a community is immensely rewarding, and I urge everyone to become part of one. Ultimately, it is about both contributing to and gaining from the collective benefit.

So, join in and participate in a community.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVP)

I enjoy keeping current, being the ’expert’ and being ready to help and support customers, colleagues, and the people in the tech communities. I contribute and share, share my professional experiences, life experiences and ’life hacks.’ I am actively mentoring, and I enjoy helping others achieve their goals and learn new skills, support their success and growth. This, I think, is the reason why I have been awarded the Microsoft MVP for Windows and Devices for IT award since 2016, and was a Microsoft MVP until I joined Microsoft, November 2024.

Jesper Nielsen on the MVP wall
I found my name on the Microsoft MVP Wall of fame

Random facts

I finished a marathon around the four hours’ mark, I have been a gymnastics instructor for more than 30 years and is often found mountain biking or walking my neighbourhood.

I do the work I do, because I am loving it, I like the people I meets and is always embracing the inner nerd and good presentation skills.

I always enjoy exploring technology and guide my kids into new technologies and is currently teaching myself C# programming.

Join me

Windows Management User Group, Denmark

Workplace Ninjas User Group, Denmark 

Microsoft Tech Community 

Microsoft Tech Community Events Speakers 

Updated: December 12, 2024