What I use

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How to remove trailing spaces in Visual Studio Code

July 29, 2024 by Jesper Nielsen • 6 minutes to read

Why Trailing Spaces MattersI really do not like trailing spaces. Trailing spaces are any extra spaces or tabs at the end of a line of code or text. They may seem harmless, but they can cause problems for developers, editors, and users - and they somehow burn my eyes :) Trailing spaces can affect the efficiency of the code or file in several ways. First, they can increase the file size unnecessarily, which can slow down the loading and processing time.

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A Newbies Guide to the Galaxy - Part 2

January 28, 2023 by Jesper Nielsen • 18 minutes to read

Building my blogThis is not a guide, it is merely a collection of blog-ramblings, a collection of things I found to be useful while building this website from the ground up, a to-do list, and a list of things I want to accomplish in my quest building this blog and over time become a blogger. I have not been posting many posts since I initially created the first version of this blog.

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My favorite tools

January 31, 2022 by Jesper Nielsen • 8 minutes to read

Everyone has their own collection of favorites tools and utilities; most people I know have a list of tools they feel are essential. This is my favorites tools and utilities; I use every week or even every day and others are in the category nice to know about. I strive to use free tools only; I might have added one or two non-free tools to the list as they are essential to me and worth the money.

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A Newbies Guide to the Galaxy - Part 1

November 19, 2020 by Jesper Nielsen • 5 minutes to read

Building my blogThis is not a guide, it is merely a collection of my blog-ramblings, a collection of things I found to be useful while building this website from the ground up, a collection of to-do’s and a list of things I want to accomplish in my quest building this blog and over time become a blogger. I have always been a serious person, with a well proven procrastination issue and often too preoccupied with other things and I had a rather halfhearted go to get a blog going.

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Why I abandoned Facebook

August 1, 2018 • 3 minutes to read

I have not put any updates on Facebook for more than three months, and these days I often get text messages complaining I am not replying on some “Messenger thing”. Reason: I have abandoned Facebook! Bullshit limit reachedBasically, I reached my bullshit limit and realized Facebook did not give me anything useful and all I was doing was wasting my time - Do not get me wrong, I really like stuff from e.

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